

01. Project description report

02. Construction plan report

03. Decommissioning plan report

04. Design and operations report

  1. Appendix 1 - Emergency response plan

  2. Appendix 2 - Water assessment plan

05. Natural heritage assessment records review

06. Natural heritage site investigation report

07. Natural heritage evaluation of significance report

  1. Appendix A - Curriculum vitae

  2. Appendix B - Field notes

  3. Appendix C - Wetland characteristics

  4. Appendix D - Amphibian breeding habitat evaluation data

  5. Appendix E - Avian survey data

08. Natural environmental impact study report

  1. Appendix A - Preconstruction monitoring protocols

09. Project Map

10. Habitat survey reports

  1.  Amphibian breeding habitat pre-construction survey report

  2. Bat maternity roosting area habitat-use surveys report

  3. Butterfly stopover area habitat-use survey report

  4. Landbird migratory stopover habitat use survey reort

    1. Part A

    2. Part B

    3. Part C

    4. Part D

    5. Part E

  5. Marsh bird breeding area habitat use survey report

  6. Raptor wintering area habitat use survey report

  7. Winterfowl nesting area habitat use survey report

11. Visual impact assessment

12. Project design change summary report

  1. Appendix A - Noise impact assessment report

  2. Appendix B - Property line setback report

  3. Appendix C - Turbine specification report

  4. Appendix D - MNR and MTCS Ernestown Wind Park notification

13.  Letter from MNR - Natural Heritage Assessment

14. Letter from MNR - Environmental effects monitoring plan

15. Memo from MOE - Surface water impacts

16. Letter from MNR - Turbine change

17. Consultation report

  1. Appendix A - Public Consultation

  1. Appendix B - Aboriginal consultation

  2. Appendix C - Municipal consultation

  3. Appendix D - Agency consultation

18. Renewable energy approval

19. Summary of Immission and Emission Audits - Nov 2017

  1. Spring Immission Audit Report

  2. Fall Immission Audit Report

  3. Emission Acoustic Audit Report